Kinetrol® Model KD Dashpot Rotary Dampers

Angle of Travel: 60° External end stops must be provided
Max Safe Torque: 250 lbf.ins / 28 Nm
Max. Shaft End Load: 10 lbf / 45 Nm
Max. Shaft Side Load: 40 lbf / 178 Nm
Weight: 522 gr


Angle of Travel

Max. Safe Torque

Max. Shaft End Load

Max. Shaft Side Load

Ambient Temperature Range

Frictional Torque

Shaft Material

Body Material


60° Externel end stops must be provided

250 lbf.ins / 28 Nm

10 lbf / 45 N

40 lbf / 178 N

Between 0°-40°

0,01 lbf.ins / 0,001 Nm

Stainless steel 431S29

Zinc alloy Mazak 3

Delivery Details

Net Weight

Package Dimension

Commodity Code

Country of Origin


0,58 kg

6x6x8 cm

Contact Mor Endüstri Ltd.

United Kingdom


Kinetrol Rotary Dampers (Dashpots) Catalogue

Kinetrol Model KD Dashpot Datasheet

Dashpot Shaft and Rotor Moments of Inertia

Dashpot Maximum Shaft Sideload


Angle of Travel: 60° Externel end stops must be provided

Max. Safe Torque: 250 lbf.ins / 28 Nm

Max. Shaft End Load: 10 lbf / 45 N

Max. Shaft Side Load: 40 lbf / 178 N

Ambient Temperature Range: Between 0°-100° 

Frictional Torque: 0,01 lbf.ins / 0,001 Nm

Shaft Material: Stainless steel 431S29

Body Material: Zinc alloy Mazak 3

Delivery Details

Net Weight: 0,58 kg

Package Dimension: 6x6x8 cm

Commodity Code: Contact Mor Endüstri Ltd.

Country of Origin: United Kingdom


Kinetrol Rotary Dampers (Dashpots) Catalogue

Kinetrol Model KD Dashpot Datasheet

Dashpot Shaft and Rotor Moments of Inertia

Dashpot Maximum Shaft Sideload